Wednesday, December 21, 2011

DIY {brown sugar body scrub}

I've always been the friend who makes most gifts, 1. because I think they're more personal and special 2. I like crafting and figuring out new ideas and 3. most of the time they are less expensive and way cuter than anything you could buy at the store. Now don't get me wrong I'm no cheapskate, I simply love making homemade gifts. It's my M.O. if you will. This year, my theme was beauty and I made homemade body scrub. Super easy and very practical. I've already used mine twice. I combined a few recipes I found online by added spices and extracts and I've very happy with the results. I hope you get a chance to try it for yourself.

vanilla - cinnamon brown sugar scrub:

1/2 cup of brown sugar
3-4 tablespoons of olive oil
a few dashes of cinnamon ( whatever you like )
and a few drops of vanilla ( I'm sure essentials oils work best, but I only had extract on hand )

mix all ingredients together. if you find that you added too much oil, add more sugar. The first time I made scrub I added too much oil, so add sparingly.

I also decided to decorate the jars that I put my new scrub in with cute paper I had on hand. A little modge podge goes a long way.

Happy crafting friends!

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